Why is our expert piercer, ISAAC V your best choice for your body piercing?
With over 14 years of piercing experience, Isaac is one of the most knowledgeable piercers around. His piercings are done quick and smoothly for as little discomfort as possible, and with his expert guidance for aftercare, you will have the best results and healing process. We only use high-quality titanium threadless or internally threaded jewelry (your best options) for p iercings. We also custom fit the jewelry for each client which is very important for healing, comfort, and aesthetics because one size does not fit all. We also carry a large selection of jewelry for your healed piercings and H2ocean aftercare. We use new sterile needles and jewelry for each piercing, and are licensed by the Texas Department of Health. if you have any questions you can contact isaac@royal1tattoos.com .